KCSE and KCPE revision papers available.With this App comes many benefits to students, Parents and Teachers.offers class 4 to class 8 examinations. Any changes in the syllabus will be integrated with this application as and when they occur to keep everyone involved updated. Go to our website at somakcpe.com*For Parents*1. Keep track of what your child is learning in school by looking at the notes provided by the teacher on the website and those on your childs books.2. Ensure your child is spending the holidays and weekends wisely by choosing an exam for them to take.3. The exams are marked automatically and results displayed immediately, so you dont need to have in depth knowledge on the subject as a parent.4. Keep track of your childs performance in to ensure theyre making progress.5. Help your child in whatever way possible to ensure they constantly improve.6. Avoid surprises when your childs KCPE and KCSE results come out.7. Keep your child busy when at home to avoid them being involved in bad company and bad behaviour.*For Students*1. Learn to finish the exams on time with the help of a bell that rings when the time given for each paper has ended.2. Get access to wide range of educational material and videos in the field of interest e.g medicine , physics, tailoring, etc3. Read ahead of the class with the notes posted by your class teacher on our website.4. Have access to all the class notes in case you lose any of your books.5. Carry out experiments with the information provided in somakcpe.com and learn more things which are not in the syllabus.6. *For Teachers*1. Organize all your class notes and have them available anywhere and at any time through our website, somakcpe.com2. As homework you can tell your students to go to somakcpe.com and write the notes in their books to be used on the next class.3. Save time in class as the students will already have the notes in their books. So no need to write the notes on the board and wait for all the students to complete copying down the notes.